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Dear Friends and Supporters of the Women's Tree Climbing Workshop


Since 2009 we have trained over 1,400 women how to climb trees and 10% of participants have gone on to work professionally in the field of Arboriculture.

WTCW has grown into a genuine workforce development program.  Proudly we have witnessed the impact on how the WTCW continues to transform the face of Arboriculture. We build create career path opportunities and develop continuing education for new and existing arborists.


After 12 years, we implemented an Executive Director position to expand WTCW’s capacity.  In 2023 we have planned 7 workshops and now offer chainsaw safety, pruning fundamentals and aerial rescue programming and more.


Our first workshop in 2023 was held in March with collaboration with the Texas Chapter of the ISA. In April we will be working with Smith College for their first time hosting and then return to North Carolina, Colorado with the Rocky Mountain Chapter of ISA, Minnesota with the MN Chapter of ISA; and back to Camp Hi-Rock again in September for our second ever, all genders welcome.  You asked, we are supporting educational for all.


Simply put, what we do is made possible with help from people like you. We have worked hard to keep registration attainable for most: workshop fees are inclusive of instruction, equipment use, food and lodging. Your support allows us to focus on the people and the trees by keeping costs affordable, offering scholarships, fund travel, procure equipment, and more.


Your investment will change lives forever; and you will feel great in knowing that you are helping to strengthen an expanding industry network of climbers!

You may support our vision in several ways. See below, or feel free to contact us to discuss how you would like to be involved. 


Thank you for supporting our mission: “To create a safe, encouraging, and empowering learning environment for women to climb trees, focused on arboriculture.”

Offers of sponsorship at all levels are welcome. Three simple ways to show your support:


  1. Send your check to:  Women’s Tree Climbing Workshop

    88 Woods Way | Lincoln, VT 05443

  2. Become a Sustaining Member:

  3. Donate via PayPal:


For more information email us at:


With Sincere Gratitude,
The WTCW Team


Camp Hi-Rock Sponsors

September 2021



Bartlett Tree Experts

Favreau Forestry

Samson Rope


Patron Members

Tom Ingersoll

Laura Grunfeld 

Kristina Bezanson

Meggan Hargrave

Sue Womble


Doak Marasco 

Bear LeVangie

Alliyie Shults 

June Moulis

Broad Oak Tree
& Shrub Care, Inc.

Kate Odell

Natascha Batchelor

Krista Strating

Jen McPhee

Rose Epperson

Banner Sponsors


Ingersoll Land Care


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Yale - Camp Hi-Rock
May 2021 Premier Sponsor
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